President’s Report – 11/9 PTA Meeting

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Thanks to all who attended the PTA meeting on Monday morning. Unfortunately, the planned speaker had to cancel at the last minute, but we did go through plenty of business.

Principal Conlon reported on the launch of Reading Counts. Grade level teams have received training on how children can take the comprehension tests. IT opened the window for children to also take the tests at home. We discussed the process of teachers setting personal student goals and offering an after-school reading club.Learn more about Reaching Counts at TOW. TOW is applying for the Gold Ribbon program with the Multi-Tier Systems of Support. Finally, a concern about a rehab. house located near the school was addressed.


Garden – Kelly showed samples of possible permanent educational signage for the gardens and shared the garden article from the Coastline Pilot. She reported that 55 garden classes were held with over 100 volunteers in the month of October. 

Reflections – The district has a total of 160 entries with 115 from TOW!! A gallery and celebration for participants will be held at TOW on November 23 and art will be displayed using the boards originally purchased for TOW’s art night.

Talent Show – We have a new chair–Laura Buckle. Thank you, Laura, for taking this on!

Printed Calendar – About 65% of survey respondents would like to bring back the printed calendar. 25% do not need the calendar. A cost of $10 or under seems ok to parents. We need a volunteer to take on this project, so let us know if you are willing.

Coffee Break – We voted to increase our contribution to Coffee Break to help revitalize this important program, provided by Laguna Beach PTA Council.

New Teacher Libraries – We voted to add $100 to new teachers’ stipends to help support purchase of books for their libraries. Kelly Osborne volunteered to investigate if all classroom libraries need new books/PTA support.

Chicken hatching – We voted to financially support hatch chicks in the kidnergarten classrooms and the library, working with CLC to roll out the program to the main campus in the Spring.


We hope you will all join us for our next meeting on January 11 at 10:00am in the MPR.


Sarah Durand
TOW PTA President

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